

In Stock

ტემპერატურული დიაპაზონი: -50 ~ 110
რეზოლუცია: -9.9-99.9 0.1
გამზომი ხელსაწყო: NTC (10K 0.5%) წყალგაუმტარი სენსორი 0.5 მ
ეკრანის ტიპი: 0.28 დიუმიანი ციფრული 7 სეგმენტიანი ეკრანი
სიზუსტე: 1%


SKU: 2656 Category:


XH-W1209 Digital Display Temperature Module


Instructions for use?

Connect the power supply and equipment, the measuring temperature is displayed, press the “SET” button, press ” + or – ” to set the desired temperature (long press ” + or – ” to quickly increase or decrease), press “SET” to confirm the setting and return, controller
automatically performs the relay ON/OFF.the thermostat output is 10A relay, meet a variety of high-power loads,
LED Indicator: LED off indicates the relay off; Lighting,indicates the relay is closed.
Digital LED Tubes: “LL” indicates sensor open, “HH” indicates overrange, the relay will be forcibly disconnected; “—” indicates high temperature alarm
Long press the “SET” button to enter the main menu settings, press ” + or – ” to switching between P0-P6,then long press “SET” or 10 seconds without keystrokes to confirm the setting and return.


P0 :Cooling / Heating; Range: C/H; Default: C
P1 :Hysteresis Setting; Range:0.1-15; Default: 2
P2 :Highest Setting Limit; Range:110; Default: 110
P3: Lowest setting Limit; Range:-50; Default: -50
P4 :Temperature Correction; Range:-7-7c; Default: 0c
P5: Delay Start Time; Range:0-10 Minute; Default: 0
P6: Key Tone Switch; Range:0-110; Default: Off
When the Thermostat is power off, long press “- or +”, you can restore the factory settings


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თერმოსტატი XH-W1209 12v